of the


Founded 1932
October 2015 Revision


In order to stimulate an active interest in Governmental affairs; to increase the efficiency of popular Government; to foster and perpetuate the ideals and principles of the Democratic Party; and to provide for all the people through its administration; the highest degree of Justice and Social Welfare; we do Associate ourselves together to establish the GARDENA VALLEY DEMOCRATIC CLUB.


Article I. - POLICY

Section 1. It shall be the policy of this Organization in all of its endeavors, to contribute to the growth and influence of the Democratic Party; to develop leadership; to increase Party responsibility; to maintain and promote harmony within Party ranks; and to discuss and disseminate information concerning issues pertaining to public welfare.

Section 2. The Organization shall seek in all of its operations, to be in harmony with the principles of the State and National Platforms of the Democratic Party.

Section 3. The Organization may endorse Democratic candidates with a 60% vote. Endorsement votes must be be announced at the previous General Membership meeting, and written notice must be sent to all Club members.

Section 4. Following the Primary, the Organization may support the nominees of the Democratic Party with a simple majority vote.

Section 5. It is the goal of this Organization to operate a Campaign Headquarters during General Elections, whenever feasible.

Section 6. All deliberations of this organization shall be open to the public.


Section 1. All members shall be registered Democrats except:

A) A minor who has stated his/her intention to register as a Democrat upon reaching majority.

B) A person in the process of naturalization who has stated her/his intention to register as a Democrat upon becoming a citizen.

C) Any other person who has stated his/her intention to register as a Democrat when eligible to do so.

Section 2. The Membership Chair shall present the names of applicants for new memberships who have fulfilled their qualifications at the next General Membership meeting. Applicants shall be elected to membership by a simple majority vote.

Section 3. Life Membership

A) Life Members must:

1) Be at least 65 years of age.

2) Be a member of the club for at least 35 years.

3) Have performed significant service to the GVDC and/or Democratic Party.

4) Be nominated for Life Membership status by the Executive Board and be elected to Life Membership by a 2/3 majority vote in a secret ballot of members present at a General Membership meeting. Blank ballots count as a "NO" vote on this issue.

B) Election to Life Membership must be preceded by a notice included in the General Membership meeting notice. It shall state who has been nominated for Life Membership and the number of years the candidate has been a member.

C) A maximum of four persons may be elected to Life Membership in a calendar year.

Section 4. Termination of Membership

A) Membership shall be terminated for publicly supporting a non-Democratic candidate for partisan office.

B) Termination shall be by majority vote at a General Membership meeting.

C) Membership shall terminate upon expiration of dues.

D) A lapsed membership may be renewed for six months after expiration, retroactively applied. After six months a former member shall be treated as a new member.


Section 1. The election of Officers is to be held at the regular December Meeting of the Membership. Officers shall be installed effective as of January first (1st) for a period of one (1) year.

Section 2. The Officers shall be as follows:

A) President;

B) First Vice-President;

C) Second Vice-President;

D) Recording Secretary;

E) Corresponding Secretary;

F) Treasurer; and

G) Historian.

Section 3. The President shall be elected annually, with the restriction of serving for not more than two (2) consecutive terms without an interim period of one (1) year.

Section 4. The President shall, subject to the approval of the Executive Board, appoint the Chairs of the standing and special committees.

Article IV. - MEETINGS

Section 1. There shall be twelve (12) meetings of the Membership each year.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the majority of the total Executive Board, accompanied by notice stating the reason for said meeting.

Section 3. Special meetings may be called by the President, subject to the approval of the Executive Board, at such times as are deemed necessary, and accompanied by notice to the membership giving reason for said meeting.


Section 1. The elected Officers and Chairs of the standing committees shall constitute the Executive Board.

Section 2. The Executive Board shall meet once each month for the purpose of planning and directing the policies and activities of the Organization.

Section 3. All Executive Board recommendations shall be presented to the organization during the Executive Board report.


Section 1. The President shall preside over meetings, and shall be responsible for the overall direction of the Club activities.

Section 2. The First Vice-President shall act to assist the President, and shall be specifically charged with the responsibility of co-chairing standing committees as needed.

Section 3. The Second Vice-President shall act to assist the President, and shall be specifically charged with chairing the Membership Committee. The Second Vice President shall maintain a membership roll, including those former members who qualify for retroactive membership renewal.

Section 4. The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of the minutes of Executive Board and General meetings of the Organization.

Section 5. The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for handling all correspondence of the Organization under the direction of the President. The President shall sign all correspondence.

Section 6. Treasurer

A) The Treasurer shall receive and disburse the funds of the Organization. Routine expenditures of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or less per item may be approved by the Executive Board and paid by the Treasurer upon presentation. The Treasurer shall be authorized to pay routine recurring bills, such as printing, postage, flowers, etc., up to one hundred dollars ($100.00) and shall report such expenditures to the Club at the following meeting. Special expenditures, such as contributions to candidates or causes, must be approved by the general membership.

B) The Treasurer shall keep a set of books, and report income, expenditures and fund balances at each General Membership meeting.

C) The Treasurer shall prepare reports required by the California Fair Political Practices Commission and the Federal Election Commission.

Section 7. The Historian shall keep copies of the organization's minutes, correspondence, member newsletters, and other documents of historical interest.

Section 8. The President shall be responsible for all Club properties, records and books from officers or committee chairs who become ill or leave town or are otherwise unable to perform their duties, until such time as they are able to resume their duties. If the President becomes ill or leaves town or otherwise is not able to perform her/his duties, then the First Vice-President shall assume the duties of President and shall be responsible for all Club properties, records and books in the President's possession, until the President is able to resume his/her duties.


Section 1.

A) A Nominating Committee of five (5) members shall be elected at the October meeting of the General Membership, and shall make its report at the November meeting of the General Membership.

B) A list of all nominations shall be mailed to the general membership with the written notice of the November meeting. Other nominations will be received from the floor at the December meeting.

C) The election shall be held as the first order of business at the December meeting, and new Officers shall take office on January first (1st) and serve for a period of one (1) year.

Section 2.A No person may be nominated for the Office of President who has not been a member of the Club for at least one (1) year; nor for any other office, or delegate or alternate delegate, who has not been a member for at least six (6) months.

Section 3.

A) Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the California Democratic Council shall be elected by the general membership in accordance with the requirements of the California Democratic Council.

B) A nonvoting Associate Member of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party shall be elected in accordance with the requirements of the County Central Committee.

C) Each member shall be able to vote for as many candidates for Delegates as the Club has allotted to it.

D) The person or persons with a plurality of the votes shall be the Delegate or Delegates.

E) Alternate Delegates shall be elected in the same manner as Delegates - by plurality.


Section 1. Any Officer, Delegate or Alternate Delegate may be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at two (2) successive meetings of the General Membership; written notice of such a vote shall be mailed to the membership along with the notice of the successive meeting of the Membership.

Section 2. All vacancies among Officers, Delegates or Alternate Delegates shall be filled by election at the first meeting of the General Membership following such vacancies occurring with such notice appearing in the call to the next regular meeting. Pending such a meeting, the President - subject to the approval of the Executive Board - shall temporarily fill such vacancies.

Article IX. - AMENDMENT(S)

This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at two (2) successive meetings of the General Membership present;


by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at a single meeting of the General Membership present if such amendment be recommended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the total Executive Board at its regular monthly meeting immediately preceding such a Membership meeting. Written notice of the proposed Constitutional Amendment shall be mailed to the membership with the notice of the meeting at which the final vote on said proposed Amendment shall be held.




1.1. Four (4) members shall be present at a regularly called meeting of the Executive Board to constitute a Quorum.

1.2. At regularly called meetings of the General Membership, eight (8) members shall constitute a Quorum.


2.1. General Membership meetings shall be held the third (3rd) Monday of each month.

2.2. Executive Board Meetings must be held two (2) weeks prior to the regularly scheduled meeting of the General Membership.

2.3. An attempt shall be made to give adequate notice of all meetings.


3.1. There shall be no proxy voting at either General Membership or Executive Board meetings.

3.2. Only members in good standing, who have been members of the Club for at least four (4) weeks, may vote.


4.1. No member shall be nominated for any office, or delegate, or alternate delegate post without her/his consent - either in person at the nominating meeting of the General Membership, or in writing prior to that meeting.

4.2. Delegates to Assembly District Committees and to the California Democratic Council will take office on January first (1st).

4.3. Endorsement Procedures

4.3.1. There shall be a vote by secret ballot in the event of two (2) or more Democratic candidates seeking endorsement for the same office. There shall be no endorsement for a particular office before filing has closed for that office. The President shall appoint an Elections Committee to count the ballots.

4.3.2. A sixty percent (60%) majority of members voting at a General Membership meeting is needed for a Club endorsement.

4.3.3. If no candidate receives a sixty percent (60%) majority there shall be a second ballot runoff between the top two (2) candidates. If there are only two (2) Democratic candidates for the same office, there shall be no second ballot. If no candidate receives a sixty percent (60%) majority in the second ballot, the position of the organization shall be "No Recommendation." On every endorsement ballot the members shall have the option of voting "No Recommendation." If "No Recommendation" receives 60 percent (60%) majority on the first ballot, there shall be no runoff vote and "No Consensus" shall be declared. If "No Consensus" is declared, the body may make a motion for dual or multiple endorsements for that particular office. Such a motion must pass by a sixty percent (60%) majority of all those voting or "No Consensus" is maintained.

4.3.4. Blank ballots and incorrect ballots shall be voided and not included in the total number of members voting.

4.4. The Club may vote on a measure or proposition. A "Yes" vote is a vote to endorse the measure or proposition. A "No" vote is a vote to oppose the measure or proposition. If the 60% is not reached, the position of the Club is "No Recommendation."


5.1. Complete minutes shall be made of all General Membership meetings, which shall be reviewed by the Executive Board and presented to the membership for correction and approval at the next General Membership meeting.

5.2. Reports of all Executive Board actions shall be made at the following General Membership meeting, and Executive Board Recommendations shall be voted on during said Executive Board Report.

5.3. Complete minutes shall be made of all Executive Board meetings, and presented for correction and approval at the following Executive Board meeting.

5.4. An official Club Log of all Minutes and Club Correspondence shall be kept by the Recording Secretary, and all changes shall be initialed by the presiding Club officer.


6.1. Committees shall be appointed, and consist of a Chair who is to be appointed by the President as provided by the Constitution, and other members who may volunteer or be selected by the Committee Chair.

6.2. The standing Committees shall consist of the following:

6.2.1. Membership Committee

6.2.2. Ways and Means Committee

6.2.3. Publicity Committee

6.2.4. Precinct Organization Committee

6.2.5. Program Committee

6.2.6. Hospitality Committee

6.2.7. Legislative Action / Resolutions Committee (includes Consumer Affairs)

6.2.8. Senior Citizens Committee

6.2.9. Newsletter / Website Committee

6.2.10. Health Care Committee

6.2.11. Sunshine Committee

6.3. The duties and responsibilities of the Committees shall be determined by the President, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.

6.4. Committee Chairs may be removed by the President, for cause, with the approval of the Executive Board.


7.1. All monies collected for dues or by donation, or by any other means shall be given to the Club Treasurer who will then deposit the monies in the Club Bank Account.

7.2. Dues

7.2.1. Dues shall be $20.00 per calendar year for an individual plus $15.00 per year for each additional member in the same household, effective January 1, 2016. Any motion which changes dues at a GVDC General Meeting will not take effect until and unless the GVDC Executive Board concurs by majority vote.

7.2.2. Life membership dues shall be $10 per calendar year.

7.2.3. In cases of economic hardship, payment of dues shall be waived, as determined by the Executive Board.

7.3. Any monies collected from a source, the expenditure of which is legally restricted, shall be held in a separate account.

7.4. A Campaign Headquarters Committee comprising the President, Treasurer and three (3) members nominated by the President and elected by the membership, shall be empowered to raise campaign funds and spend such funds, and spend additional funds as budgeted by the general membership.


8.1. All checks shall be signed by the Treasurer with the knowledge of the President. In the absence of the Treasurer, the President or the First Vice President has the power to sign the check(s).

8.2. All bills are to be paid by check and receipts given to the Treasurer for the records.


9.1. The President may appoint an interested Club member to represent any candidate for any partisan or non-partisan office, except when the Club has made an official endorsement of another candidate for the same office.


10.1. Parliamentary procedure, as interpreted by the Revised Roberts Rules of Order shall prevail where not covered by By-Laws or by the Constitution.

10.2. A Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the Club President, and shall serve at the President's discretion.


11.1. These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at one (1) meeting of the General Membership present.

11.2. Written notice shall be mailed to each member with the notice of the meeting at which the vote on said Amendment shall be held.